TPOVP Account:P Audit Lock Setup Window)Do you want to lock data edit capability? Date Last Run: Audit Lock Password:U Saving Audit Lock Setup...U Password Required Fiscal Year Setup Window Current Fiscal Year Start: Past Years Range P/L AccountU Saving Fiscal Year Setups...U One Account LedgerU Account Activity Budget AnalysisU Expenses vs Income Expenses by Month Income by Month Detailed Expense Detailed Income Debt to Equity Debt to AssetsU Graph Title: Month:U Graph Title: Starting Month: Number of Months to Display: (Max = 8This graph shows the activity of the control account for each month.,This is particularly useful for tracking the6activity of expenses (such as utilities or telephone).U 8This graph shows the activity of the control account for3each month vs the BUDGETED amount for that account.U 4This is a graphical Income Statement over a range of months..Income and Expenses are consolidated by month.U 2This is a graphical Expense Report over a range of of months.(Expenses are totaled into a single entry for each month.U 1This is a graphical Income Report over a range of months.,Revenues are totaled into a single entry for each month.U 8This is a detailed graphical Expense Report for a single month.+(A maximum of 32 accounts can appear on the graph).U 7This is a detailed graphical Income Report for a single month.+(A maximum of 32 accounts can appear on the graph).U 8This is a graphical "Debt to Equity" Report over a range of months.,Liabilities and Equity are each totaled into single entries for each month.U 8This is a graphical "Debt to Assets" Report over a range of months.,Liabilities and Assets are each totaled into single entries for each month.U draw graph exitU u'Technical support is ordinarily reserved for registered users. WeCwill help unregistered users get started, however, and we will also+answer general questions about the program. If you want or need moreBdetailed information, you can register with the support technician#as well as through our order lines. PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUEU print formU Printing Order Form > U Printer is not Ready! B================================================================== CheckMate Plus Order Form$YES! Please send CheckMate Plus to: Payment:> CheckMate Plus (Special Discount Price!)..............$40.00> CheckMate Plus .......................................$60.008 Shipping .......................................8 CO Sales Tax .......................................> ------8 TOTAL DUE ......................................> ======A [ ] Check/Money Order Enclosed (Payable to Custom Technologies) [ ] MasterCard/VISA Card # Exp % [ ] COD (US only, $5.00 COD charge); To place your order, mail this form with payment to:* Custom Technologies& PO Box 621181 Colorado Springs, CO 80962-2118/ Or call (MC/VISA/COD only):7 1-800-541-6234 (US and Canada, ORDERS ONLY)3 719-260-0486 (WorldWide, ORDERS ONLY)1 719-260-0402 (For more Information)5 Or FAX this form (MC/VISA/COD only) to:- 719-260-0543 (WorldWide)* (9600 bps, Group 3)@All orders are shipped PRIORITY MAIL (except overseas). Payment?must be made in US FUNDS drawn on a US or Canadian bank (or you=may use a credit card). We also accept US denominated postal#money orders and traveler's checks.U , 7 F R ] l x %*&8&`& '-'C'Y'o' (!(/(F(T(j( )2)I)S)j)t) *(*2*@*V*l* +2+H+^+t+ ,$,:,P,f,|, ,,-5-A-F-P-b- -M.R. Reminder Window.Do you wish to process these transactions now?U 2$Y[; Checking for Transactions Due Account # has transactions that are &You have ledger transactions that are OVERDUE! due TODAY!U 2$Y[; start purge exitU 2$Y[; Close Transactions Window7This routine will "purge" ALL transactions prior to the date you enter below."It affects ALL active accounts and(will carry the correct balances forward.9REVENUE and EXPENSE balances will transfer to "Past Year"8EQUITY accounts (if they're defined... see "Fiscal Year" under the "Setup" menu). You cannot reverse this routine! Make a backup before proceeding! Purge ALL transactions prior to:U Purging Now Purging Date > Transactions Purged >U 0You MUST specify a purge date before proceeding!"OK to Purge Transactions prior to ARE YOU SURE? U 2$Y[; 2$Y[; Authorization ) . k s No Report Definitions Saved!U ActivityU Load Data Window Calculating Balances.... > 2$Y[; $$$$$ CHECKMATE PLUS (tm) Version 1.01A(Copyright 1990,91 by Custom Technologies Member,&Association of Shareware Professionals*CheckMate Plus is user-supported software. If you find CheckMate Plus@useful, you can support updates and improvements by registering. InCreturn, you will receive a full User's Guide, the latest version on(disk, and one year of technical support. To order, send $60 plus $5 shipping and handling.(Checks, COD, MasterCard & VISA accepted. To order by mail, send a check,!To order by phone, call TOLL FREE MO, or credit card number to: 1-800-541-6234 (Orders Only) Custom Technologies PO Box 62118 For information or support call Colorado Springs, CO 80962 (719) 260-0402 719-260-0402+Colorado residents please add 3% sales tax. Copying and distributionEof CheckMate Plus (for no charge and in original form) is encouraged. ****** Press Any Key to ContinueU Suppress Shareware Screen Thank you for registering!"Enter the "code word" (included in?the thank you letter that came with CheckMate Plus) to suppress the shareware "sign-on" screen: Code Word:>Please protect our investment in CheckMate Plus and don't tell6unregistered users how to suppress the sign-on screen!U 'Remove your CheckMate Plus Overlay disk&and insert your CheckMate Plus Program disk now. PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUEU 'Remove your CheckMate Plus Program disk&and insert your CheckMate Plus Overlay disk now. PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUEU CHARITY CMPLUS.CFG SUPPRESSU %**** SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER! ****-We want to launch CheckMate Plus with a bang! If you register?your copy prior to April 15, 1991 (tax-day), you'll receive all)the normal benefits of registration PLUS: 1))A $20 discount on the registration price! *FREE*-completely registered copy of our popular DOS environment manager MAGIC MENUS! This includes a 120 page printed manual... absolutely FREE! (a $32.95 value)>Remember... you MUST register by April 15, 1991 to qualify for)the discount and the free software offer.$SUPPORT SHAREWARE... REGISTER TODAY! PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUEU 2$Y[; rebuild exitU Complete Rebuild Rebuild Index Keys Rebuild AccountsU Rebuild Index Keys Window>This function deletes all keys from your index file and builds8new ones (in case your index file has become corrupted). ThisAroutine is not as robust as "Rebuild Data Files" but also is much4faster and does not require as much free disk space. Press to start the rebuild, or to abort.U Rebuild Account Window to abort.U Reinitializing Press any key to continue...U Rebuild Data Files Window to abort.U Creating Working File... $$$$CMP Cannot Read Data File! Packing Data Records > ,Insufficient Working Space! Rebuild Aborted. CMPLUS $$$$CMP.DAT Copying Data Records > Reinitializing Press any key to continue...,Cannot Create Working File! Rebuild Aborted. Cannot Erase Working File! $$$$CMP.IX Cannot Erase Working Index!U , < F K d l } Compounding Window Future Amount Desired: Interest Rate: Compounded N Times/Year: Number of Years: Amount of Initial Deposit: Total Interest Earned:&****** Set One Variable to Zero ****** * Press to calculate, press to amortize *U amortize clear exitU Set One Variable to Zero!U * = _ Regular Deposits Window Future Amount Desired: Interest Rate: Deposits per Year: Number of Years: Amount of Each Deposit: Total Interest Earned:&****** Set One Variable to Zero ****** * Press to calculate, press to amortize *U amortize clear exitU Set One Variable to Zero!U G m y Loan Calculation Window Amount of Loan: Interest Rate: Payments per Year: Number of Years: Amount of Payment: Total Interest Paid: ****** Set One Variable to Zero! ****** * Press to calculate, press to amortize *U amortize clear exitU Set One Variable to Zero!U 4 G O v 2$Y[; Scanning > 2$Y[; Scanning > 2$Y[; 2$Y[; Date Check # Pay to the Order of/Memo AmountU <<<< DELETED >>>> Wthdrwl Deposit Bank DB Bank CR ATM Dep ATM Wdl You can't edit deleted records!U Reconcile Account Window Bank reconciliation is a Press to enter any four step process. new transactions (such as interest earned or Enter the "Statement service charges). Date" from your Bank State- peat as necessary. ment. to mark all transactions that have Statement Date: cleared. to print the "Reconciliation Report".U enter transactions reconcile print report exitU 2$Y[; 2$Y[; 2$Y[; 2$Y[; 2$Y[; Statement ( Reconciliation Report Press the SPACE BAR$to mark transactions as cleared (the will also unclear transactions). Press after you have cleared all your transactions.U No Uncleared Transactions Found! Reconcile Window " 6 L ` k Report Date: Print To: File Name: Report Title: Page Footer:U %Ready to print Reconciliation Report.U Starting Payment # : Ending Payment # :U Starting Deposit # : Ending Deposit # :U Starting Compounding # : Ending Compounding # :U Month of:U :Balance Sheets report account balances on a specific date. Enter "Balance Sheet" Date:U !Enter Starting Date (for Search): Enter Ending Date (for Search):U Year:U Print Account Numbers?U Print Account Numbers? Budget Information?U Starting Account Number: Ending Account Number:U Screen Printer FileU Set Report Parameters Set "Search and Filter"U Report Parameters Setup WindowU utility menu start printing exitU Report for One Month Year Starting Quarter From: to U $You must enter a Balance Sheet Date!+You must enter BOTH Income Statement Dates!U Transaction Reconciliation Loan Amortization Deposit Amortization Compounding Amortization Annuity Amortization Balance Sheet Custom Balance Income Statement Ledger Transaction Ledger Activity Chart of Accounts Custom Income Statement Trial Balance Report Report Window & 7 < M ^ m C H f !3!9!G!g! Account Debit Credit -------------- -------------- ============== ==============U Q s Generating Report U Loading Report Definition... No "END" Statement Found!"Scanning Report Definition. Line: !Report Definition does not Exist!U % d delete exitU Loading Report Definition...U Save Report Definition(Enter a name for this report definition. You may NOT have duplicate names! Report Definition Name:U Saving Report Definition... You must Enter a Name! Duplicate Name!#No More Report Definitions to Edit!U OK to Delete?: Deleting Report Definition...U No More Definitions!U Editing Report Definition: Entering Report DefinitionU Enter new Report Definition Edit existing Report DefinitionU No Report Definitions Saved!$Too Many Report Definitions Defined!U Load Data Window Calculating Balances.... > 2$Y[; 2$Y[; 2$Y[; 2$Y[; Length Check#/Transaction Type PayTo/Memo Cleared (Y/_) Amount!(Required Length between Margins) Space Between Each Field: Print Totals at End of Report?U save changes exitU Saving Setup...U &Customize Reconciliation Report Window Length Check#/Transaction Type PayTo/Memo Cleared (Y/_) Amount Balance!(Required Length between Margins) Space Between Each Field: Print Totals at End of Report?U save changes exitU Saving Setup...U #Customize Transaction Report Window Future Value: Initial Deposit: Interest Rate: Compounded N Times/Year: Number of Years: Total Interest: Compound # Previous Value Interest New ValueU " ' 1 G O T b l w Future Value: Regular Deposit: Interest Rate: Deposits/Year: Number of Years: Total Interest: Total of Payments: Dep # Deposit Interest ValueU Amount of Loan: Payment: Interest Rate: Payments/Year: Number of Years: Total Interest: Total of Payments: Pmt # Payment To Principal To Interest Loan BalanceU % * 4 J R W e o z Constructing Report> #U Wthdrwl Deposit Bank DB Bank CR ATM Dep ATM Wdl Credit Debit Balance Last Statement: Balance This Statement: Number of Checks and Debits: Number of Deposits and Credits: Total of Checks and Debits: Total of Deposits and Credits: U Amount Check # PayTo/Memo G a l { Margins Bottom: (Expressed as a number of LINES) Left: Right:%(Expressed as a number of CHARACTERS)"Lines per Page (includes Margins):'Characters per Line (includes Margins):&Pause Between Pages (to change paper)? Printer Port for Reports: Printer Setup Strings: Printer Exit Strings:U LPT1 (Parallel) LPT2 (Parallel) COM1 (Serial) COM2 (Serial)U save changes delete retrieve save (to disk) exitU No Report Definitions Saved!U Report " " Not Saved! OK to delete " Save Report Definition Window(Enter a Name for your Report Definition. You can recall this%definition at any time in the future. Report Definition Name:U 0You must Assign a Name to the Report Definition! " Exists! Overwrite?: Too many Reports defined!U >Vu(| Saving Report Setup...U , @ n } Scanning > 2$Y[; 2$Y[; Date Check # Pay to the Order of/Memo Amount DB/CR MemoU <<<< DELETED >>>> Wthdrwl Deposit Bank DB Bank CR ATM Dep ATM Wdl Credit Debit You can't edit deleted records!U Browse Setup Window?Enter dates here to start and stop looking for items to browse.@If you have a lot of active transactions, specifying these dates7can save a lot of time in setting up the browse window. Starting Date: Ending Date: <<< Press to start browsing! >>>U set search & filter start browsing exitU No Transactions Found! Browse Window * C K P Z n s } Report Heading Setup Window0Enter your company or personal information here. These lines may be5printed at the top of the first page of your reports. LineA|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------| Saving Information Setup... INFOU Account Status Window Account Number: Opening Balance: Current Balance: As of: Number of Active Transactions:U Account Status Window Account Number: (Sums Account Numbers through Current Balance: As of: Number of Active Transactions:U exitU Searching> 2$Y[; Wthdrwl Deposit Bank DB Bank CR ATM Dep ATM Wdl Credit Debit/Total of Deposits and Bank Credits: Total of Debits: /Total of Checks, Withdrawals, and Bank Debits: Total of Credits: U Amount Balance Check # PayTo/Memo No Transactions to Print!U # . = O Z i Check to Print Check Printing Options Press SPACE BAR to print this check. to print all checks&without pausing (for computer checks). to mark this check2as printed (without actually printing the check!).U Printer Not Ready!U Input LPT1JAcct# Acct Name Description Amount J----- ----------------------- ---------------------------- ------------ ------------U Stub not Printed on this check! Check Number PayTo Vendor Acct# Comments Amount Tax Ded Marked Printed Cleared Date Cleared Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Acct Number Description Debit Credit Amount StringU STRING INTEGERU BEGIN PAUSE Print Paused Press SPACE BAR to Continue... NEWCHECK FILLERSON FILLERSOFF COMMASON COMMASOFF UNDERSCOREON UNDERSCOREOFF COLUMN SKIPLINES WRITE WRITELN AUTOMATICSTUB VARIABLE PRINTTO INPUT PRINTERSTRINGU Error in Check Layout Press any key...U Parsing Check Layout Printing Check ';' Expected '(' Expected ')' Expected Unknown Identifier ',' Expected 'L','R', or 'C' Expected ' Expected Error in Numeric Format Number Expected BEGIN Expected Unknown Variable Variable Name Expected Variable Type Expected Too Many Variables Defined Insufficient Memory! '=' Expected Error in Expression Real Number Expected String Expected Invalid Variable Assignment '}' Expected&Cannot Open Printer or File for Output Error : in Line Updating Check...U 2$Y[; Loading Check Definition... No "END" Statement Found! Scanning Check Layout. Line: Check Layout does not Exist!U Scanning > 2$Y[; print one check print all checks exitU Check has already been Printed!U 5 X t "S#X#f# %#%W% &&'+'9'l' '((:(M(R(`( )2)t) +M,B.a/ 3-3R3 4)5C5 6,6S6\6 707s7 7'8c8 9&:V:g: : ;@;^; =->J> ?#@C@ A?APAjA{A B;B@BEBIDaD D1ELEgE E F$F?FZFuF G0GJGdG|G G>HCH`HrH I5I>IsI J?JDJNJpJuJ K$Date of First Uncleared Transaction: Date of First Unprinted Check:U Updating...U 2$Y[; 2$Y[; delete exitU Loading Check Definition...U Save Check Layout#Enter a name for this check layout. You may NOT have duplicate names! Check Layout Name:U Saving Check Definition... You must Enter a Name! Duplicate Name! No More Check Layouts to Edit!U OK to Delete?: Deleting Check Definition...U Editing Check Layout: Entering Check LayoutU Enter new Check Layout Edit existing Check LayoutU "No Check Layout Definitions Saved! Too Many Check Layouts Defined!U >Fu(u ' H S Z y Updating> Updating Auto Transaction> #U Updating> Updating Auto Transaction> #U Account Budget Setup Window 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter ------------ Annual Budget:U exitU Special Effects Setup Do you want Sound Effects? Do you want Exploding Windows? Speed for Exploding Windows: (0 = fastest, 9 = slowest)U Saving Special Effects Setup...U General Setup Window Date Format:%Separator " " (ie 12/1/89 vs 12-1-89)%Currency Symbol (decimal ASCII code):AUse "Parentheses" instead of a "Minus Sign" for negative numbers?U MMM DD, YYYY DD MMM YYYY YYYYU Saving General Setups...U Screen-Save Setup Use Screen-Save Feature?: Time Delay (1-99 minutes): Message:U Saving Screen Save Setup...U Main Colors Menu Colors Data Input Windows Warning Messages Filter Window Calculator Message Windows Help WindowU Color Setup Window Press to Select window. To select Colors: Toggles Foreground Toggles Midground Toggles Background Toggles ReverseU foregnd midgnd backgnd reverse exitU Sample Window This is FOREGROUND This is MIDGROUND This is REVERSEU Saving Color Setup...U Save New Color Setup? U Data and Program Directories Program File Directory: Data File Directory:U Video Option Window Display Type (for Graphics):/*** Use INSTALL to change your Video Option ***U Hercules No GraphicsU Password Setup Window Password:#Require Password at Program Start?:U Saving Password Setup...U Password Required 2Exceeded maximum number of lines for Virtual PaperU Printer Not Ready!U Printer is not Ready! Can't Open File: Building Report > Virtual Paper G L V g U Graphics error: U Value U >:F(u >:F(t N Read File6Enter the name of a file to read into the text buffer:U Cannot Open File: U Write File5Enter the name of a file to write the text buffer to:U Cannot Create File: Scanning Lines: Writing Lines: U ' 4 9 Non-Accounted For Funds ASSETS LIABILITIES EQUITY REVENUE EXPENSESU INFOU "Loading Check Setup Definitions...$Loading Custom Report Definitions... Loading Filter Definitions... Loading Report Definitions... Loading Automatic Entries... Loading Company Information... Ledger Accounts in Use...U Initializing CMPLUS .IX%Index File not Found! Rebuilding... Updating System Information...4Possible File Corruption! Rebuilding Index File... Password Required)Access Violation! Exiting CheckMate PlusU Insufficient Free Memory!U # * Updating System Information...U NEBS 9025 (w/ Stub) NEBS 9027 (Laser) NEBS 9029 (no Stub)U CMPLUS Rebuilding Index Keys > U Search and Filter Window Variable Match #1 And/Or Match #2L Examples: : >= Jan 1, 1989 <= Dec 31, 1989 Amount 100.00 Balance 1000.00 < or> 50,000.00U clear delete retrieve save (to disk) exitU = Exact Match * Any Match > Greater Than < Less Than >= Greater Than or Equal To <= Less Than or Equal To <> Not Equal ToU Check Number PayTo Vendor Acct# Comments Amount Tax Ded Marked Printed Cleared Date Cleared Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Acct Number Description Debit Credit Amount StringU No Filter Definitions Saved!U Filter " " Not Saved! OK to delete " Save Filter Definition Name: " Exists! Overwrite?: Too many Filters defined!U >@u(| / Y t paste exitU PRINTER: ON PRINTER: OFFU Printer Not Ready!U >$bd} >$bd} >"bT| ^ = TOTAL + = ADD - = SUBTRACT * = MULTIPLY / = DIVIDE EnterU & B S ^ c n CMPLUS .OPTU